To protect you, your family and mine, health is a priority and I will be following all recommend public health guidelines, including:
Practicing social distancing/isolation – refraining from non-essential errands and staying away from group settings. When in public places I avoid touching high touch surfaces and maintain a distance of 6 feet from other people.
Avoiding anyone who is sick or who has recently traveled from an affected area in the last 14 days. If I do have contact with someone who is sick, have personally been in an affected area in the last 14 days, or if I have any symptoms of illness, cancellation of shift/rescheduling care will be implemented.
Ask that clients inform me immediately if anyone in the household has any symptoms of illness, has recently traveled from an affected area, or has had any contact with someone who is sick or that has recently traveled from an affected area.
Washing hands regularly using warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
Avoid touching my face.
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when entering or leaving a room or cannot wash hands.
Regularly disinfecting the surfaces/items in both your home and my home/car.
Taking temperature before each shift